Happy Birthday Google! Google will be 17 years old on the 27th September and to celebrate, we’re sharing 17 crazy facts about the global internet giant. Did you know that…
1. Your company might have a vending machine but Google has a T-Rex. On the lawns of its HQ in California, also known as the ‘Googleplex’, a replica T-Rex skeleton affectionately called Stan greets employees and visitors. No-one seems sure why it’s there but it’s certainly a talking point!
Gif source: mashable.com/2014/09/25/chrome-t-rex-game/#Grb8edSf.EkS
2. Luckily Stan is dead because if not, he may eat all the goats that Google employs to keep the lawns of its offices neat and tidy.
Meme source: http://weknowmemes.com/generator/meme/goat-grass/229572/
3. A Googolplex is a mind-bogglingly massive number. According to renowned astronomer Carl Sagan, it is greater than the number of protons, electrons and neurons in the known universe. By naming their HQ after it, Google are certainly making their ambitions clear.
Image Source:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googleplex
4. Google relies on the biggest network of translators in the world to help your business reach an international audience, including the dialects of Klingon and Elmer Fudd. Dat oughta help anyone searching for wabbits.
5. Google employees are known as ‘Googlers’ but only once they graduate from the newbie title of ‘Noogler.’
Image Source: http://www.fit4talent.com/news/the-internship-meet-the-nooglers-clip-released/1657/
6. Google’s homepage has been populated by more than 2000 different logos since 1998, each of which commemorates a different holiday, world event or historical figure and they’re all created by a team of illustrators and engineers known as ‘Doodlers.’
Image Source: http://boston.cbslocal.com/2015/05/19/calling-all-doodlers-google-looks-to-hire-doodle-designer/
7. The name ‘Google’ was a brand new word that came about by accident after founders misspelt ‘Googol.’
Image Source: http://www.skidos.com/did-you-know-google-or-googol/
8. Google entered the Oxford English Dictionary as a verb, meaning “To use the Google search engine to find information on the internet” in 2006.
9. More than 2 million Google searches are carried out every single second.
Image Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2381188/Revealed-happens-just-ONE-minute-internet-216-000-photos-posted-278-000-Tweets-1-8m-Facebook-likes.html
10. The Google car cameras that are out and about capturing images for its Street View application have photographed more than 5 million miles of road. We hope someone was collecting Nectar points for all that petrol.
Image Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/GoogleStreetViewCar_Subaru_Impreza_at_Google_Campus.JPG
11. Wonder how they got the Street View images of the desert? They swapped a car for a camel.
Image Source:http://edition.cnn.com/2014/10/09/travel/google-street-view-camel/
12. Google have a sense of humour. Over the years a number of games and Easter eggs have been built into the search engine and the latest one is a real gem for trivia fans. Type ‘I’m feeling curious’ into the search bar and you’ll be treated to a series of random facts. Want to know which animal sleeps with one eye open or what happens to bail money? This function will tell you. Or you could just Google it.
13. If you type ‘Askew’ into the search bar the results will appear tilted on your page.
14. Welcome back (we know you just went away and tried that trick!) Apart from keeping themselves busy building little games and tricks into their search engine, Google also manages to take itself seriously as a business and has acquired nearly 200 companies including YouTube, Android software and DeepMind Intelligence, an artificial intelligence company.
Image Source:http://i.ytimg.com/vi/o1s1YsKc6Tw/maxresdefault.jpg
15. Google invests time and resources in developing robots, and in a true sci-fi nod to what we can expect in the future, it’s been confirmed that their robots have dreams.
Image Source:http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/230237
17. If you Google ‘Google’, you get 7,360,000,000 results. That’s a lot of information but then again, it’s a lot more than just a search engine.
16. If that freaks you out, focus on this instead. Google is a happy, dog-friendly employer that encourages staff to take their pet pooches to work. Aww.
Image Source: http://hasimages.blogspot.co.uk/2013_01_01_archive.html
To find out more about Google and more importantly, how you can get your business to rank highly on it, contact the team here at Yoma. We love Google, does that make us #Glovers? Why not.