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    The Benefits of Business Blogs!

    It is often the case that when a company wishes to increase its online presence their first thought is social media. Whilst it is true that effective social media marketing can boost a company’s profile, a well run blog can have the same effect yet this option regularly overlooked. This is possibly because people deem blogging to be too large a commitment for too little a return. This post will aim counter this argument by pointing out the great things a blog can do for your business.
    1) Increased Reputation – By running a blog full of valuable content, you can show off your company’s personality and also position yourself as your industry’s market expert. These days people tend to research online before opting to buy a product or a service. Therefore, having an informative blog that demonstrates what your company is about and answers the F.A.Q’s within your field will prove you are an authority on the matter and will make you the more credible choice when compared to non-blogging competitors.
    2) Regular Stream of New Potential Clients – Blogging is a fantastic way of generating traffic. The internet is full of useful, informative articles being passed around and shared by people who found the information helpful. This means that every time somebody shares a link to your blog a new potential client is reviewing your company’s site and reading of your services. Blog visitors are often said to be the best kind of traffic when it comes to generating sales. As a study on E-consultancy tells us that visitors to blogs often view 11 more pages and spend 8 minutes longer on the site compared to other visitors, they are also 10% more likely to return. What’s more, through having an ‘opt in’ to receive future blogs via email; you are also collecting valuable data which you can use on future email marketing campaigns.
    3) Focal Point for Social Media – It is often the case that companies amass Facebook ‘fans’ or Twitter ‘followers’ but then don’t have anything to say to them. By linking to blog posts on your social media, not only are you adding functionality to your social outlets but you are also directing people back to your site which may then lead to a sale or a business enquiry.
    4) Improved SEO – Blogging is a great way of improving your site’s SEO. Search engines love sites that produce regular, unique content and having a blog will let you give this to them. With every article you write Google will re-index your blog lifting your site higher in the search rankings. You can also write blog posts relating to search terms that generate a lot of traffic and focus on these keywords. Doing this is a great way of ranking above your competitors for the keywords that are relevant to your business. The effect of this will be increased traffic on your site and with that more potential clients.
    If you would like to talk about blogging or any other digital matter, give Yoma a call, one of our ecommerce experts will be glad to have a chat with you.